Saturday, December 10, 2011

Careless Whispers

The lock turned making my foot,
Step into a world of dust and dirt,
Onto the stairs that led me up to my huge room on the seventh floor.
No, I dare not take the elevator! It reminded me of you,
The day you taught me to love you first,
The day you made me fly in the open sky.
Opening the door, I entered house.
Dark it was, as dark as the starless sky on a new moon night.
A candle somewhere glittering in the darkness,
The smell of fresh strawberries or was it wine?
Darkness, darkness everywhere, inside and out,
And wherever else the eyes could reach.
I was helpless! Yes, maybe, I am afraid of the dark,
Of the black, of what seems empty!
But darkness was the part where time and again I just return back!
Peace and silence and the crickets screaming wherever the ears could take,
Yes! There was a breeze, a cold breeze that,
Gave me this sense of helplessness,
On a cold winter night in this month of December.
The eyes roamed around here and there in the dark,
They searched the shadow that can be called 'you'.
No, you are nowhere to be seen!
No,You dont live with me!
The darkness swept me back into helplessness,
Making me sit down on the floor,
Making me weep!
The eyes fell on the candle light,
The nose smelt the strawberries again,
The ears went back to listening the sound of the crickets screaming!
Where? Where? Oh! Where were they?
Well, they had stopped!
It was the silence that I hated, the peace that surrounded me!
This feeling of helplessness that sent me back to the world of darkness!
'Save me someone, pull me out' was all I wished to scream.
I wished to scream to out loud, call out to the spirits of bliss!
However, it was only tears that I could shed!
Where was the streak of light that I wanted to see?
The eyes saw the outside sky which gave no sense of darkness,
Which shone bright light through every other room in the city where I lived!
The mind wanted to just cry out loud,
Saying the words- 'Why? Why me?'
Where was the light that I wished to see?
No light, no sound, nothing wasn't a state of life I ever wanted.
I had a life too, a life full of laughter, a life full of love!
I sat there and wept wondering where the candle, the strawberries came from!
Who brought them here? I have no one! I live alone!
My love stays afar! He never comes like the wishing star!
Something pulled me up! I could see nothing at all!
It was dark! It pulled me away, away into wonderland.
I could still not see a part, nor a shadow.
Just a heavy breadth, the kind of breadth,
That I was once in love with!
How could this happen?
How could a lonely Friday night give me so much of pleasure?
I spent Fridays alone! Alone in the darkness,
Weeping out loud in loneliness!
Crying to the skies to send me away,
Away to a far off land from where no one returns!
The candle was brought closer but could I still escape darkness?
Could I still see a speck?
Nothing at all! Just a breadth and,
The feeling of cold skin touching mine in a heavy embrace.
Lips kissing my lips, fingers touching me everywhere,
The breadth saying that it loved me.
Careless whispers from your heart, whispers that said everything!
Careless whispers that swept me away,
Far away on to the away onto the clouds of heaven!
You don't live here! No, you live nowhere now!
I lost you a long time back!
I lost you because angels loved you more! You live with them now!
Yes, you are a star.
A star that shines every night, a star that calls me to itself.
Yes, I wish to come and I call it everyday to take me away!
Where was that star today?
It was with me, here in my arms!
Yes, you have come, finally to me!
You were with me wanting to make me yours.
I am yours, now and forever. I wont leave you now.
No, never!
No, no, no, you just cannot go!!!
The wind blew the candle off.
The cold wind took away even the last speck of light!
I dont see a streak now! Nothing, nowhere! Where are you?
Where are the hands that held me just a moment ago?
And where is that breadth, the one that I wanted? The one that was mine?
I ran to the room, I ran to the other room,
I ran here and there screaming out loud!
I ran calling out only one name!
Shadow, shadow, where are you?
I ran to the balcony, saw the sky had cleared up.
The breeze just blew past making me shiver.
Oh! Where are you?
I looked at the sky! A star shone! I know it was you.
 You had come to love me today!
Yes, you did remember, it was my birthday!
Like every year, when we had a candle light dance and then cut a strawberry cake,
Then raised a toast with campaign and made love till next dawn.
I stood at the balcony now, alone, helpless, without any reason to live.
You were my reason for everything but now you are gone.
I looked down!
It was the plain wet concrete, cold and dull!
I did nothing, just smiled, laughed once, rather twice.
I knew what to do then,
I knew where to go!
No, I am not crazy! I am in no way insane!
I am just mad, mad for you, mad about you. I just want you.
Closing my eyes, I felt like the wingless bird!
Just a thump and a queer sense of pain for a few moments.
Yes, the breeze hit me back and forth!
However, I dont wish to open my eyes.
Silence now! No helplessness, only darkness!!
This darkness scares me no more.
Now I just stare. Yes, I smile down at the luckless world from the sky.
I am lucky!
I am with the one I loved,
And can be with him forever after!
I dont wish to hover elsewhere!
I know how I will get all the happiness just here!


Butterfly... :) said...

Aren't you like full of talent babes?? :) OMG!! This is a great poem!! In fact a great piece of art! After all writing a poem as good as this not everyone's cup of tea!! :) And it is an art in itself! Girl, you have a talent!! :D
Loved it to the core!
Will be waiting for more posts!

Loads of love. <3<3

Ishani Dutta said...

Thank you! Thank you so much babe! :) :D I cant believe that people like some of my writing so much! I am always more than excited to show you what I write! The comments keep me going! Love you lots! <3 <3

Nikita said...

Woh girl! I am a fan of your writing:-) Loved the way you have beautifully worded them.
Also, I love your city Kolkata!
May be we can follow each other!