Thursday, August 4, 2011


Resting in peace at home for all these months had made me believe that the future is very dark for me! All I did since the morning was to lie down on the bed thinking, rather dreaming about some places or subjects that could never be mine! (Its not that I suck in studies or something by the way) Things however dont go the way we want them too! I may have a terrible bad luck but even that starts shining once in a blue moon!
So here I am now, Roll Number 21 in the first year class at the Jadavpur University Department of Comparative Literature. I may not know anything at all but even then I can boast about quite a lot of facts...
I cannot say that I was very excited or happy or delighted to be here on the first day because all I did that day was to come, sit, listen and run back home! I felt he same on the second day, the third day and the fourth day! (Unpopularity sucks big time! Did I say that?) But then things dont remain the same! If they would have then life would have been great for some and not so great for the others...

Here I am directly trying to point out towards my gang with which I am terribly in love. Awww, you might feel that this is nostalgic! But then again a gang is always made up of not very perfect, somewhat stupid and somewhat very irritating people with whom your mindset matches!(I am totally like that by the way). Now what I am trying to say is that .......... my life is impossible without---

1. The useless gossips at 'Jheelpaar' everyday.
2. The numerous OC's that my friends make.
3. The random clicking of photos of dogs and cats and people.
4. Tying to find the place where the most  inexpensive food is sold.
5. The boring and the not so boring classes.
6. The classroom ledge and the staircase graffiti.
7. Trying to find the river dolphin and the various snakes and the birds and the monkeys and the dogs as my friends say.
8. The strumming of the guitar and listening to all the English Bands which I loathed or didnt even know about till a few years.
8. The emo. modes!
9. Worldview.

(You may feel that I use horrible short forms but even then I am just a novice!) This is what makes my everyday....... I waste days without touching a single book, without adhering to any rules, (For once we are rules less at JU. I know the place rocks and you might want to come and take my place but then again you can not be me.) without any useful talks!.... I stay at my beloved university more than I stay at home because I like the noise, the time pass and everything thing else (even the food)!.... I can rightfully say that I have at last  got my dream college, a place without which my days go sad and which is in literal terms 'Heaven on Earth'! And I know that I am luckier than most other people here! I have with me so many people who are the best! Even though these three years are going to go away very fast, I know that these are going to be among the best!...... I hated some schools of my life a lot by the way! Yes, I know you might be wondering about how many schools I have been to but then thats a long story altogether! I am so happy to be without an uniform in any case!

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